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高端人才通行证计划,简称「高才通」。主要是为了吸引世界各地具备丰富工作经验及高学历的高端人才到香港探索机遇而设的。高端人才包括高收入人士和世界顶尖大学的毕业生。在递交申请前,申请人无需事先获得香港公司的聘用。成功根据高才通计划前来香港特别行政区的人士只须符合一般的入境规定,便可获准在港逗留 24 个月而不受其他逗留条件限制。并且他们可以携带配偶和未成年子女一同来港定居。


您是否正在考虑申请香港顶尖人才通行证计划?那么,了解资格标准对于确定您是否有资格申请此 TTPS 签证计划至关重要。有意愿的人可以选择以下类别之一申请香港顶尖人才通行证计划:

  • A类:申请TTPS签证前一年,年收入达250万港币或以上,或等值外币的人士。

  • B类:从符合条件的大学毕业并获得学位的个人,并且在申请 TTPS 签证之前的五年内至少拥有三年工作经验。

  • C 类:申请顶尖人才准证计划前五年内从符合条件的大学毕业,工作经验不足三年的应届毕业生,可申请此类别。该类别每年有名额,先到先得。然而,在香港特区完成全日制本地认可本科课程的非本地学生不符合顶尖人才准证计划的此类别资格。

受养人凭 TTPS 签证入境香港

Temporary Employment: Foreign workers hired under the SLS are employed on a temporary basis to meet specific needs within the employer’s industry.

Industry-Specific: The scheme targets industries where local labor shortages are evident. Sectors such as construction, transport, and hospitality are typical beneficiaries of the scheme.

Local Recruitment Efforts: Employers are required to demonstrate that they have made genuine attempts to recruit locally before applying for foreign workers under the SLS.

Approval Process: Applications under the SLS are subject to a stringent approval process by the Labour Department, which evaluates the necessity and justification for hiring foreign workers.

TTPS 签证的优势

根据顶尖人才准证计划,申请人可享受快速审理服务。这使他们能够更快地开始在香港工作。TTPS 签证的优先审理确保顶尖人才能够迅速融入劳动力市场,为香港的经济增长做出贡献。

Basic Requirements for Employers:

  • Proof of Local Recruitment: Employers must provide evidence of their efforts to recruit local workers, such as job advertisements, recruitment campaigns, and records of interviews conducted.

  • Fair Employment Terms: The employment terms offered to foreign workers must be comparable to those offered to local workers, including wages, working hours, and benefits.

  • Compliance with Hong Kong Laws: Employers must ensure that they fully comply with Hong Kong’s labor and immigration laws, including providing adequate protection for the rights and welfare of both local and foreign workers.

在香港申请 TTPS 签证所需的资格

The Hong Kong Supplementary Labour Scheme offers several benefits to employers, particularly those in industries facing chronic labor shortages. By hiring foreign workers through this scheme, businesses can:

Address Labor Shortages: The SLS provides a practical solution for industries where local manpower is insufficient, ensuring businesses can maintain productivity and service levels.

Access a Larger Talent Pool: Employers can tap into a global workforce, bringing in specialized skills and expertise that may be scarce in the local labor market.

Maintain Competitiveness: By filling critical job vacancies, employers can continue to grow and compete effectively in their respective industries without being hindered by labor constraints.


How Hong Kong Visa Services Can Help

Navigating the application process for the Hong Kong Supplementary Labour Scheme can be complex and time-consuming. At Hong Kong Visa Services, we provide professional visa consultancy services to ensure that your application is completed accurately and efficiently.

Our team of experienced consultants will assist you with:

  • Eligibility Assessment: We will evaluate your specific needs and determine whether you qualify for the SLS, ensuring that your application meets all the necessary criteria.

  • Documentation Preparation: From compiling local recruitment efforts to preparing employment contracts and visa applications, we manage all the paperwork required for a successful application.

  • Application Submission: We handle the entire submission process, liaising with the Labour Department on your behalf to ensure a smooth and timely approval.

  • Ongoing Support: Our services extend beyond the application process. We offer continuous support to ensure compliance with immigration and labor laws, including visa renewals and employment contract amendments if needed.

The Application Process

Applying for the Supplementary Labour Scheme involves several steps, and our team is here to guide you through each stage.


The process typically includes:

  1. Initial Consultation: We begin by understanding your business needs and evaluating the feasibility of hiring under the SLS.

  2. Recruitment Efforts: We help you document all efforts made to recruit locally, including preparing job ads and compiling reports of interviews and recruitment activities.

  3. Submission of Application: Once all required documents are ready, we will submit your application to the Labour Department, providing comprehensive justifications for the need to hire foreign workers.

  4. Labour Department Review: The Labour Department will review the application, assessing both the demand for foreign labor and the adequacy of local recruitment efforts.

  5. Approval and Visa Processing: Once the application is approved, we assist with visa applications for the foreign workers, ensuring that all necessary documents are submitted for timely visa issuance.

  6. Post-Approval Support: We continue to support you after the approval of your application, including assisting with visa renewals, contract amendments, and compliance checks.


准备在香港申请 TTPS 签证?那么请相信我们专业的顾问团队,他们将为您简化整个申请流程,让您轻松无忧。以下是申请 TTPS 签证的分步指南:

TTPS 签证的评估和批准流程


评估后,符合条件的顶尖人才通行证计划申请人将收到批准通知,并安排领取 TTPS 签证。在整个过程中,我们提供专家指导和协助,以简化整个顶尖人才通行证计划签证流程并增加成功的机会。

Anchor 1
Application Process


Hong Kong Employment Visa

For non-Hong Kong professionals looking to work in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Investment Visa

For overseas entrepreneurs relocating to Hong Kong either through investing or by establishing their own business in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Dependent Visa

For family members wishing to join their spouses/parents who are working/studying in Hong Kong​

Hong Kong

Visit/Transit Visa

For foreigners who wish to visit Hong Kong for leisure or business purposes.  And for foreigners who require to transit through from Hong Kong

Mainland Talents & Professionals

For professionals who are residents of Mainland China taking up employment in Hong Kong


Service Fees

We can provide a volume of discounts to clients with multiple applications

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